You must have heard of him. Robert Pattinson.. :D The hottest human (well not really human but still) on earth..... ~ I am sure you all have seen Twilight, but if not you really have missed something!! The actual books are way better than the movie, but in the books you can't actually see Edward, but in the movies you can. If you know what I mean. :))

Robert Pattinson was born in England, May 13, 1986 ( he is only ten years older than me..... :D ), and has done modelling as well as the role of 'Cedric Diggory' in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I have seen Harry Potter 4, but in that movie I didn't really think he was anything special, but in Twilight.... woah!! That is a completely different story. XD Anyways, I could write an entire book about Robert Pattinson and his beautiful looks but today I am gonna focus on my favorite Edward-parts from Twilight. I linked each scene to the youtube clip, except for my absolute favorite one which you can see directly on here:
1.) Biology Lesson: This is just too cute!!! If a guy smiled like that to me, I would seriously faint... ;o
Credits to Popohat who posted this video on YouTube.
2.) "You Better Hold on tight Spider-monkey...": Hahahaha, this part is so cute... XD I love the word "Spider-Monkey", and I really wish that I could be Bella for this scene so that Rob could hold me instead of Kirsten... ^^
3.) "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb": Nawh, this quote just fits so perfectly to this scenario, and I completely love this part because this is when you know that they will stick together no matter what. ~~~
4.) Prom: lol, I love the part when Edward lifts Bella so that she can stand on his feet dancing... :p It is just too cute, and romantic. Wish that there are 'Edwards' in real life too... <3
5.) "You don't Sleep? No. Never? No, not all.": This smile is so cute :) Whenever I see this scene, I just feel so happy inside.. lol, I guess that is the the "Edward-effect"... XD (sorry, but i couldn't find a YouTube video that showed this part, so therefore I couldn't link it.. :/ )
By the way, I might write about this in another article, but it is definitely worth mentioning if you don't know: Robert Pattinson is an amazing singer!!! Two of his songs (the best ones in my opinion) are featured in the movie; 'Never Think' and 'Let Me Sign'. They are so unique, but still really full with emotions. One other fantastic song, which is not featured in the movie,is "I'll be your lover too". Rob didn't just sing these songs, but he also wrote them, AND played the guitar!! :))
Anyone DOESN'T understand why I completely love this perfect guy???
xxx - Lotte
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